Paper Presentation
1.Artificial Intelligence
2.Data Mining
3.Grid Computing
4.Mobile Application
5.Network Security
6.Cloud Computing
7.Fuzzy Logic System
8.Cyber Crime
9.Neural Network
10.Recent Technologies.
Event format for Paper Presentation
The participants are required to submit a full paper.The topic of the paper submitted can pertain to one of the tracks declared.
The full paper should be submitted as a MS Word document (.doc /.docx format only) with Times New Roman font (size 12) and single spacing.
2 column formats (IEEE format) should be adopted.
All papers must be submitted electronically at with subject "Paper Submission”. The paper should begin with a 2-para abstract. details of all the team members: names, department and college should be sent along with the paper.
Deadline for full paper submission is on or before 01 FEB 2014.
Date of intimation is 05 FEB 2014.
The registration fee for paper presentation is Rs.200/-(per head) and for events Rs.50/-(per head).
Rules for paper Presentation :
Each team may have maximum two members.
The presentation must be in MS PowerPoint.
Duration for presentation: 8 minutes and 3 minutes queries.
Selected team must bring 2 hard copies of their paper and ppt in a pen drive on the day of the symposium.
Decision of the judges will be final