Saturday, 2025-02-08, 6:11 PM

Rules and Regulations for AD-ZAP

ROUND1RoundRound 1 (Preliminary) 
 The first round testes the basic knowledge of the participants on company name, logo and slogans. 

 A set of 15 questions will be given. The questions are categorized into 3: 

 Finding the name of the product for the given slogan and logo. 

 Finding the name of the product for the given brand ambassador. 

Round 2


=>The final round is the enactment round where the participants will be given a problematic situation to be enacted and to be concluded with a solution based on the act the judges will select the winners. 

1)5 min will be given for preparation and 3 min for the performance.

2)Participants should bring their own requirements if needed for the act.

3)usage of mobiles by the team during the event will lead to elimination.